DF 74 – LCA in the National Research Programme NRP 73 «Sustainable Economy»

Online Event

Discussion forum on Life Cycle Assessment
Monday, June 29, 2020 – Online conference – Detailed access information will we communicated to all participants

(Change of location due to the pandemic.)The growing global economy relies on unsustainably sourced and used natural resources to produce goods and deliver services. In order to generate scientific knowledge about a sustainable Swiss economy, the National Research Programme perspective including environmental, economic and societal implications along the whole value chain while also including the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.The Discussion Forum gives an opportunity for representatives from economy and academia to discuss the role of life cycle thinking and LCA results in various economic sectors relevant for the NRP 73, including construction, mobility, health, nutrition as well as sustainable behaviour of different stakeholders.The research projects within the NRP 73 not only focus on establishing the knowledge base, but also aim at analysing the effects of measures and instruments as well as applying life cycle management in the economy.

The 74th LCA Discussion Forum will show the diversity of life cycle based approaches applied within the NRP 73 and address the following overarching issues:

  • How can decision-makers use life cycle based approaches to boost sustainable decisions?
  • Which life cycle based approaches are best suited to reveal opportunities and risks for sustainability within the different economic sectors?
  • Which instruments are most useful for combining environmental, economic and societal aims?

Programme:  DF74-Programme_NRP 73 Sustainable Economy.pdf

8:40 Welcome and introduction to the dayMatthias Stucki ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences 
8:45 Keynote:
Towards a net zero economy: The role of LCA and rebound effects
Bastien Girod Member of the Swiss National Council 
 Circular and sharing economy[Chair: Regula Keller] ZHAW 
9:15 Resource pressure – a circular design method preceding LCA
Harald Desing EMPA 
9:35 Steps toward a sustainable circular economy
Stefanie Hellweg ETH  
9:55 The environmental potential of the sharing economy: motives, barriers and rebound effects
Rafael Laurenti KTH Royal Institute of Technology 
10:15 Discussion  
10:25 Coffee break  
 Responsible public and private consumption[Chair: René Itten] ZHAW 
10:45 Identifying suitable indicators to assess supply risks along the entire supply chain
Marcus Berr EMPA / University of Augsburg 
11:05 Monitoring sustainability performance in public procurement through life cycle thinking
Tobias Welz University of Berne 
11:25 Sustainable business models to extend the lifetime of mobile internet-enabled devices
Marleen Jattke ZHAW 
11:45 Discussion  
12:00 Lunch break  
 Food production and consumption[Chair: René Itten] ZHAW 
13:00 Applying data envelopment analysis to aggregate life cycle impacts for eco-efficiency assessment
Dario Pedolin Agroscope / ETH 
13:20 Transforming the food sector by combining LCA-results with nutritional aspects
Ashley Green Agroscope / ETH 
13:40 Discussion  
 Speed-dating: Short discussions in changing groups about the overarching issues (see abstract)  
13:55 Introduction speed-datingRegula Keller ZHAW 
14:00 Speed-datingAll  
15:00 Coffee break  
 Sustainable cities[Chair: Matthias Stucki] ZHAW 
15:20 Environmental and economic assessment of a regional building materials industry combining material-flow-analysis, input-output-analyses and life cycle assessment
Ronny Meglin HSR 
15:40 Sustainable housing: life cycle tools to understand residents’ consumption and their rebounds
Rhythima Shinde ETH 
16:00 Bringing green best-practice into hospitals with an LCA approach
Karen Muir ZHAW 
16:20 Discussion  
 Synthesis, announcements and farewell  
16:35 Synthesis: connecting answers to the central questionsRegula Keller ZHAW 
17:00 Farewell  

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